
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ease that Summer Slump

Summer slump.
If you are a parent, you know the term well. When the initial excitement of Summer break wears off and then the well known, "I'm bored." echos through the house.

 I was contacted just in time about Martha Stewart's new book; Martha Stewart's Favorite Crafts for Kids.

My kids took after me and inherited the need to use their imagination and creativity. Upon arrival Martha Stewart's new book brought huge excitement from my boys. Flipping through the pages they mentally make mile long lists of what they wanted to do right away. With projects for kids of all ages to create, build, design, explore, and share there is no shortage for Summer time fun packed within these pages. 

For starters, we chose to do the age old remedy for Summer time fun: bubbles!


I never knew corn syrup was the secret ingredient for bouncy, super bubbles. Did you? Pin this image on Pinterest for later use! 

Aside from the inspiring book packed full of goodies, there are some fantastic videos that help the projects along, give ideas, and give some how-tos. [click here to visit Martha Stewart's Crafts for Kids VIDEOS!]

1 comment:

  1. Can not believe this! We tried every online recipe when my granddaughter was here. Nothing! thank you, thank you, thank you....
